Childcare Jobs in Frindsbury

We have 4 Childcare Jobs in Frindsbury listed in our online childcare directory.

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Emily S
Emily S
Parent in Frindsbury

Usually responds within 12 hours

We are a family of four, we have recently moved to Wainscott. My name is Emily and my partners name is Billy. We have two lovely children, Miles who is 3 in July and Ivy who is 2…

Parent in Frindsbury

Looking for a childminder to take care of my daughter. And would be able to pick her up from Gordon primary school.

Fiona Le
Fiona Le
Parent in Frindsbury

Working mum of two girls. Youngest is now 9 years old I am looking for a childminder who can have my daughter on some ad-hoc evenings due to my work. Please call me now to discuss

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Parent in Frindsbury

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