Household Help Jobs in Guildford

We have 24 Household Help Jobs in Guildford listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Guildford

We have just had our first baby, Freddie! He’s now 3 months old and I’m looking for someone to help me on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - hours are flexible, but between 9-3/…

Parent in Guildford

We are two full time working parents, who are looking for an individual to become an extended member of our family and support us in looking after our two wonderful daughters, 6 a…

Parent in Guildford

We are a Russian speaking family, with 2 girls: 6 years old and 4 year old. We are looking for person to support our family in household chores - cooking no Tuesdays morning or a…

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