Childcare Jobs in HEMEL HEMPSTEAD

We have 152 Childcare Jobs in HEMEL HEMPSTEAD listed in our online childcare directory.

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Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 2 hours

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Me and my husband both work from home and we are looking for a nanny to spend few hrs with our 2yr old daughter while we work. Me and my husband both work from home and we are loo…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I am going back to full time work and looking to make use of the government 15hours childcare hours in September. Looking for a childminder 2 days a week (Wednesdays and Thursday…

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Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am a mum to one, Henry, who is 8 months old. My husband and I live in Hemel Hempstead with our two cats. We are looking for a local childminder for our 8 month old. We are both…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

We have 3 boys, Leo 11, Archie 9 and Kip 6. Kip has Type 1 Diabetes. We are looking for a childminder to help with school collection from Hammond Academy over 4 or 5 days during t…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Mother of 2 beautiful boys. Aged 6 and 3 Looking for a childminder who could collect my son from pre school at Belswains Primary School in Nash Mills. From Sept 2024

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 2 hours

I’m living in Apsley with my son, working full time I’m looking for someone who can do school drop-off to Tudor primary school

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Looking for a childminder for Wednesdays and Friday on short notice to do being self employed.

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Working mother to 5 month old baby girl. Need some local Saturday childcare. Must have DBS check and be ofsted registered. Would want to meet childminder before confirming work. L…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Mother of 1 baby boy Flexible hours

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

I am full time working mom looking for a childminder/nanny/day care to drop my 1 year old baby girl. place should be well equipped for active babies

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Self employed mum to twins boy & girl living in Apsley Childcare required at least 1 day per week or 1 morning per week

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

First time mum of a 6 month old baby boy living in Hemel Hempstead Looking for a flexible baby sitter for a couple of hours per week who could come to my house and look after my…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

I am looking for a childminder for school drop off to St. Rose's Catholic School in Boxmoor.

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Before school drop off to Two Waters Primary school.

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