Nanny Jobs in Hemel Hempstead

We have 49 Nanny Jobs in Hemel Hempstead listed in our online childcare directory.

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Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 24 hours

Working parents with 2 children, 3 and 6. Looking for a afterschool nanny to pick up from st roses school Hemel Hempstead, bring home, homework, dinner and perhaps an after school…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 24 hours

We are a family of four based in Hemel Hempstead, with an 8 year old in Y4 and a 6 year old in Y1. We are looking for a nanny for extra help. Hours can be flexible to fit around t…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 24 hours

Recently moved to the UK Nanny with flexible timings

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Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 2 days

Hi. I’m a first time mum going back to work. I work from home and would like for a nanny to be at home with my baby while I work. I breast feed her.

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Married, 5month old daughter. Either part time childminder/ nanny or Nursery.

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 24 hours

Twin Boy and Girl age 3 (as of March 2024) Girl age 5 (6 in August 2024) Looking for after school childcare Mon, Tue and Thurs 3.30-5.30 School Holiday child care

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

We are soon to be a part-time family of 6 25% of the time and a family of 3 75% of the time. In lament terms we have my 3 step sons (B7, B5, B3) Friday-Monday every other weeken…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Looking for term time only childcare. To commence in October 2017

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Myself and partner both work shifts we are considering both nurseries and few hours after that to cover our 12 hour shifts

Nanny Re
Hemel Hempstead
Nanny Re
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

We're looking for a Part Time Nanny for our 1 Year old. The position will also include school pick-ups for our 4 Year old. We can be flexible in terms of hours/days of work, but…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

We're family of 3 with 10 year old son. I'm looking for someone who can occasionally drop off and pick up my son for his trainings

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 12 hours

Stefan A
Hemel Hempstead
Stefan A
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Hello, everyone. I'm looking for a childminder who can start soon as possible. Two boys, one in year 2 and the other in year 6, attend Holtsmere Primary School in Woodhall Farm…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

We’re adding a new little member to our family in May. Currently it’s just three of us. Myself, my husband and our little blue Staffy Ivy. Who has my husband appetite and my energ…

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

Hello lovely childminders. Girl (7)Boy (9). We need someone who picks up from Hammond Academy at least 2 days a week from September. Pick ups few times a week from hammond academy.

Hemel Hempstead
Parent in Hemel Hempstead

I am a mother of a 4 month old boy. I live with my baby and partner. I am looking for a good/qualified nanny/babysitter who is available 2 days a week to start with and will later…

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