Nanny Jobs in Milton Keynes

We have 111 Nanny Jobs in Milton Keynes listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Hi! I'm looking for an enthusiastic nanny who can bond with my sweet daughter as I come back to work. I have been trying to follow montessori practices with her last year and I'd…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Me and my fiance Ryan have a son called Jaxon. He's currently 7 months old. Ryan works full time at a garage and i am due back to work in July 2022. Jaxon will be 10 months when…

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Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hi, my partner and I are moving to Hanslope (MK). we have a 10 year old daughter. I work in Northampton and have to start work from 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday. My partner work…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Student Mum, working part time… My son, just turned 4 years old - with special needs (intellectual disability) needs a place for December/Jan (30 hrs) ?? For 3 days a week. ??…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

I have 2 daughters, they are 6 and 8 years old. I need a childminder who can pick up them from school ( brooklands farm primary school). Sometimes need to Pick up from school, som…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hi. My name is Jekaterina. I do have 5 children (girls) , The first daughter is 10 years old, first set of twins is 6 years old, and second set of twins is 4 years old. Looking fo…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

I’m a new mommy, with a 9 months old I’m a new mommy, with a 9 months old

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

School pick up from Swanboourne House at 4.30 pm daily (except Wed & Thurs which is at 3.30) to Walnut Tree. Kindly reach out to me if interested please. Many thanks

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 24 hours

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