Childcare Jobs in North Shields

We have 48 Childcare Jobs in North Shields listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in North Shields

Usually responds within 3 hours

Hi! I am a working mum and I have 2 girls (10 and 12 years old), both chatty and good-natured. Being a pharmacist, I have no flexible working hours so I need a good reliable nanny…

North Shields
Parent in North Shields

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hi I’m Lucy and I am currently about to go back to work after a long time caring for my 3 children. I have very recently separated from my partner and the childcare I had in place…

North Shields
Parent in North Shields

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Parent in North Shields

Usually responds within 5 minutes

North Shields
Parent in North Shields

Hi, my name is Ellie and I am proud to be the mother of my gorgeous daughter Aazaryah. We love all things artistic, crafty, active and outdoors. I need a childminder who could col…

North Shields
Parent in North Shields

As these are limited hours, higher rates are considered. Young family in Tynemouth with 6yr old daughter and 8yr old son. We’re looking for help with school drop offs and pick up…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
North Shields
Parent in North Shields

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I live in North Shields with my 5 year old daughter. I'm studying at college part-time and looking for an OFSTED Registered Childminder for when I'm attending my classes. I live i…

North Shields
Parent in North Shields

I can drop off in the mornings but need my child picked up at 3:30 and I can pick up by 6 mon-fri, may be earlier some days but can pay a fixed rate. 7 year old boy

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