Childcare Jobs in Pinkneys Green

We have 11 Childcare Jobs in Pinkneys Green listed in our online childcare directory.

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Pinkneys Green
Parent in Pinkneys Green

Usually responds within 2 days

Looking for after school Tuesday to Thursday for two boys aged 9 and 11. Ideally you will be: driver (from School, possibly to a club too on a Tuesday; able to cook for the boy…

Maria M
Pinkneys Green
Maria M
Parent in Pinkneys Green

I'm looking for a Registered Childminder or Babysitter.

Pinkneys Green
Parent in Pinkneys Green

Usually responds within 12 hours

Two year old son going through terrible twos haha, he can count in french and english up to 20, loves his teddies especially his dinosaur which we left on holiday?, his food, swim…

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Pinkneys Green
Parent in Pinkneys Green

Usually responds within 30 minutes

We are a family of 4. Both my husband and I are teachers and we live in the Furze Platt area of Maidenhead. My son will be 3 and my daughter is 9 months old. We are looking for so…

Pinkneys Green
Parent in Pinkneys Green

Full time working mummy with a demanding job has a social worker. I am looking for a babysitter who has experience working with ASD children, my beautiful daughter is autistic who…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Pinkneys Green
Parent in Pinkneys Green

I’m Steph and my husband is Paul, we have two happy children who are coming up for 3 and 1. We are moving to Maidenhead in the next few months (most likely April) and are looking…

Pinkneys Green
Parent in Pinkneys Green

Usually responds within 2 days

We have temporally moved to Berkshire due to family crisis. We will be in the borough until May to July 2023. We have a 2 year old toddler (28 months). She is very sociable, smile…

Pinkneys Green
Parent in Pinkneys Green

I’m a single, full time working mum to a 4 year old boy. After school care

Pinkneys Green
Parent in Pinkneys Green

We are a mixed family, with my husband from French Caribbean and myself from China. I have got 2 boys. The older one is 5 years and the younger one is 3 years old. I'm looking fo…

Pinkneys Green
Parent in Pinkneys Green

We will have a newborn and a four year old that goes to nursery and hopefully then school in walking distance. We also have a small dog. Both my husband and myself work predominan…

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