Babysitter Jobs in St Albans

We have 71 Babysitter Jobs in St Albans listed in our online childcare directory.

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St Albans
Parent in St Albans

Usually responds within 3 days

Hi, I'm Vanessa, I have recently relocated to England with my young family, husband and 2 sons (5yo & 3yo). Hi, I'm Vanessa, I have recently relocated to England with my young fam…

St Albans
Parent in St Albans

Looking for a childminder, nanny or babysitter to look after our 16-month old daughter for 1.5 days or 2 days per week on either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday from January 2023 on…

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St. Albans
Parent in St. Albans

Looking for Saturday childcare with someone ofsted registerd, this would be 2-3 Saturdays of the month between 12 and 4 Saturday

St. Albans
Parent in St. Albans

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Young family of 4. With 2 boys, 11 months and 4 year old.

St. Albans
Parent in St. Albans

Usually responds within 2 days

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
St Albans
Parent in St Albans

Not currently looking. We need someone to look after our 5 year old autistic son for 9 hours a week and are willing to pay above the usual rate to secure the right person (e.g. up…

St. Albans
Parent in St. Albans

Usually responds within 5 minutes

First time mum to be, looking for childminders as an alternative to nurseries from May and preferably near Camp area in St Albans. I'm Portuguese, living in the UK for the last 5…

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