Childcare Jobs in Tonbridge And Malling

We have 65 Childcare Jobs in Tonbridge And Malling listed in our online childcare directory.

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Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

We are a family of 4 living in Ightham, with 2 lovely children, 7y old daughter and 5y old son. We love forest walks, music, football and skiing. We need some help with the kids w…

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

We are a family of 6 with kids aged nearly 2y and 4y and oldest 2 kids 11 and 13 Looking after kids to give mum a break

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

I am mother of 1 daughter and 1 Son. I work as an occupational therapist in Princess Royal University Hospital

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Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

I'm looking for a Registered Childminder.

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

I'm looking for a Registered Childminder.

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Usually responds within 5 minutes

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Usually responds within 1 hour

I am a mum to a 20 month old boy require a child minder/ nanny for some additional help during work hours

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Not looking at the moment Not looking at the moment

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Usually responds within 24 hours

I am a teacher and live with my husband and two daughters in St Mary Platt, near Borough Green, Kent. My daughters are 8 and 10 and they attend a small independent primary school…

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

2 or 3 days a week

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Usually responds within 30 minutes

Looking into a registered childminder for my nearly 4 year old son who has mild autism. He is due to start primary school in September so the requirements I need will be term time…

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Looking for term time only care for baby from September 2016. She will be 1 end of october. Anywhere between borough green and maidstone.

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

I am mother to a little one named Nancy - we live on army barracks so are limited in how long we reside in one area. Currently looking for childcare for a Monday for my little one…

EJ_mum t.
Tonbridge and Malling
Ej_Mum T.
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Both parents both work full time. We have two wonderful boys. A 4-year-old who is very good-natured, a great eater and sleeper and very sociable and a sweet two-year-old. Both of…

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Live in a cottage in Ightham, Kent. Married to James and we have two daughters - Serena (2 years 5 months) Lucinda (9 months) have a little friendly cockapoo called Suki to who is…

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

I have a little girl Charlotte was born May 2019. I am going back to work May 2020 for approx 10 weeks will need childcare for 3 days a week (unsure of days yet) and after the 10…

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

I am looking for a childminder for my 2 children aged 6 months and 3 years old from 7.30am/8am till 6pm/6.30pm I am looking for a childminder

Tonbridge and Malling
Parent in Tonbridge And Malling

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hi, Is there any childminders working in between Christmas and new year 27/12 - 29/12 this would be for my 8 year old son all day please?

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