Childcare Jobs in Welwyn Garden City

We have 102 Childcare Jobs in Welwyn Garden City listed in our online childcare directory.

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Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

I am looking for someone to be able to look after my 1 year old son 3 days a week 8am-6pm and my 3.5 years old daughter after school hours and half terms/holidays also 3 days a…

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

Usually responds within 3 hours

My husband and I currently have an 18 month old son with another baby on the way. We also have a little sassage dog that certainly runs our house. My husband is a surgeon so works…

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Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

Mon-Friday care. No need for care every other Monday, Bank Holidays and our regular holidays

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

I have two children aged 9 and 13. I work 3 days a week not set days I would need a childminder to pick my youngest daughter up from primary school at least 2 days a week. I finis…

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

I am Helen, I have three children, Rosanna (4), Flora (2) and Caspar (18 months). They are lovely, kind children who have not had a childminder before as I have relied on family.…

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

Welwyn Garden city
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

We are looking for a child minder to look after our 2.5 and 3.5 years old girls on Fridays 12:00-15:00 The girls go to pre-school Monday to Friday 9:00 - 15:00. But on Fridays the…

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

Usually responds within 3 days

We are a family of six, 2 adults, 2 baby and 2 indoor cats, living in Welwyn Garden City. We have childcare mostly sorted at the moment. Occasional babysitting during weekdays wi…

Jess Ali
Welwyn Garden City
Jess Ali
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

Looking for nanny/ babysitter to stay with my 4 year old. Please message me if you available. I'm looking for a Babysitter/Nanny to leave my son occasionally, for few hours once a…

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

We are a calm and loving little family of three (soon to be 4, May 2024!) and our little ones are our universe. We try to follow gentle and positive parenting styles to support Kh…

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I’m a mum of 2 I have a son who is 8 and he’s name is Teddy and a little girl age 5 called princess

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

My wife and I are both 32 and have an 18 month old daughter. We have always lived in Welwyn Garden City and have no plans to move! My wife and I are both 32 and have an 18 month o…

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

I am looking for childcare 4 days a week starting in February for my daughter who will be 10.5 months old. As both me and my husband will be working we would be looking to drop o…

Welwyn Garden City
Parent in Welwyn Garden City

Usually responds within 12 hours

I am looking for a childminder for 2 days a week on Tuesdays & Wednesdays in Knightsfiled area of Welwyn garden city. Start date will be August. Must accept the 15 hours gove…

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