Avatar for JadeP


Registered Childminder With Special Needs Experience Job In Basildon

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Female Member since Aug 2022 Last Updated Nov 2023 Last Login Nov 2023

About Me

I am seeking a reliable babysitter who will be able to provide me with regular much needed respite as a single mother to two SEN children.

I have Ezrah aged 5, my little bundle on energy that’s for sure. He is cheeky, affectionate, and loves 1:1 time with adults. He has limited speech, but this has come on leaps and bounds, and is verbally much more understandable to those that don’t know him well. He loves playing games on his tablet, board games, arts and crafts, and a cuddle on the sofa whilst watching TV. Ezrah has ASD, suspected ADHD, and PDA (pathological demand avoidance) I would preferrably like somebody who is familiar with PDA and has knowledge in the recommended language choices when speaking with a PDA child (for the benefit of both Ezrah and the child minder to limit meltdowns and / or challenging behaviours)

I also have Marciya, aged 9. She is an extremely intelligent, funny and sweet girl, but due to her suspected ASD (assessment pending) she can struggle with her communication skills at time, and can appear blunt due to her lack of filter. She is a sensitive girl, and can over think things at times, so choice of language is important, and praise and positive re enforcement is key. She enjoys 1:1 chats about subject matters that interest her, watching movies, playing her switch, board games and she has a keen interest in art. She is a fantastic advocate for her little brother, and understands him well. So she will happily assist a babysitter if there is any confusion on how to deal with Ezrah in a specific situation.

We have a very structured life due to the children’s individual needs, and I have never had a babysitter besides their nanny. But as she is getting older I don’t ask very often, and I feel we would all benefit from mummy getting the occasional rest bite so I am able to recharge and be the best I can be for them. So we are looking for a kind, patient, and reliable female baby sitter, who will be happy to be with the kids on the occasional Friday or Saturday evening (sometimes overnight) who has experience with SEN children and feels comfortable with dealing with what I have said above.

My Requirements

Registered Childminder
Special Needs Experience

I am looking for a childcare provider that has experience in working with SEN children.

I am seeking a regular babysitter who will be willing to baby sit for the evening (occasionally overnight) in my home, as this is where my children are most comfortable.




Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Before School no no no no no no no
Morning no no no no no no no
Afternoon no no no no no no no
After School no no no no no no no
Evening no no no no yes yes no
Overnight no no no no yes yes no
Last Updated: 04/11/2023

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