Babysitters in Grays Inn

We have 3 babysitters in Grays Inn listed in our online babysitting directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect babysitter for you using the options on the search bar above.

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Babysitter in Grays Inn

I have lots of nannying/babysitting experience, and am now offering tutoring services too. I have worked in school settings as a teaching assistant. I have a calm and gentle appro…

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Babysitter in Grays Inn

I'm a young energetic Nanny looking for an amazing family that I can help and support. I have had 4 years of experience as a full-time private nanny with age ranges varying from…

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Babysitter in Grays Inn

Usually responds within 3 hours

I'm 25 trainee teacher with lots of childcare experience. I’ve previously worked as a Learning Support Assistant at a school in West London and have an enhanced DBS check. I've go…

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