Babysitters in Harrowden

We have 4 babysitters in Harrowden listed in our online babysitting directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect babysitter for you using the options on the search bar above.

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Babysitter in Harrowden

Hi I’m Lauren :) I’m 22 years old. I have just completed my youth work qualification through my job as a youth worker, For a few years I’ve babysat for friends, family, neighbours…

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Babysitter in Harrowden

Hi All, My names Fabbiha I’m 20 years old Based in Bedford I’m a laid-back,fun-loving and caring person who always brings a can-do attitude, I always give it my all. I believ…

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Babysitter in Harrowden

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hello. Stay at home mother of two, 3 year old and 5 year old.

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Babysitter in Harrowden

I'm a mother of 4,looking to make a difference in children's life as a experienced babysitter. I would describe myself as reliable and on time individual and responsible person.I…

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