Babysitters with DBS Checks in Canonbury

We have 3 Babysitters with DBS Checks in Canonbury listed in our online babysitting directory.

Please read our Safety Centre for advice on how to stay safe and always check childcare provider documents.

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Babysitter in Canonbury

Usually responds within 3 days

Dear Families, Thank you for opening my profile. Dear families. I finished work for my lovely family after 5 great years with them. The reason for leaving was that the girls…

5 stars 1
Babysitter in Canonbury

Usually responds within 12 hours

Childcare professional with over 12 years’ experience who currently works as a Nursery Operations Manager and enjoys art, walks in the park and spending time with children and dog…

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Babysitter in Canonbury

Hi there, pleased to meet you all. My name is Shoreh and I am a 25 year old experienced nanny, living in Islington. I am trained in childcare with over 5 years experience in nann…

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