Ofsted Registered Babysitters in Edinburgh

We have 3 Ofsted Registered Babysitters in Edinburgh listed in our online babysitting directory.

Please read our Safety Centre for advice on how to stay safe and always check childcare provider documents.

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5 stars 1
Babysitter in Edinburgh

Usually responds within 12 hours

Dear Parents, My name is Veronica, I am from Venezuela and I am looking for a full time position as a nanny. I'm a proactive, reliable, organised and most of all patient nann…

no reviews
Babysitter in Edinburgh

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I am naturally a kind, understanding, and passionate, creative, hardworking, responsible and patient person who has good listening skills and enjoys working with children. I am al…

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Babysitter in Edinburgh

Usually responds within 3 hours

Hello, My name is Nisha Singh I have been a private nanny for 10 years and have fully enjoyed helping kids develop also having fun/learning at the same time....:)

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