Ofsted Registered Childminders in Bournemouth

We have 30 Ofsted Registered Childminders in Bournemouth listed in our online childminding directory.

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Childminder in Bournemouth

Usually responds within 4 hours

Hi, my name is Michelle. I started Childminding 22 years ago to allow me to spend more time at home with my two beautiful girls, Megan who is now 27 years old , and Amy who's…

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5 stars 1
Childminder in Bournemouth

Usually responds within 1 hour

Term time vacancy, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please enquire now to secure your space. Hello! My name is Jardine Perkins and I live with my husband and our three daughter…

5 stars 3
Childminder in Bournemouth

Spaces available! I'm also available for babysitting! I'm OFSTED registered, DBS checked and Paediatric first aid trained childminder. I'm a Hungarian mom to a 2 years old litt…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
3.67 stars 6
Childminder in Bournemouth

I am a mother of 3 girls aged 5 years, 8 years and a 10 year old. We live in a three bed house with my husband. I have worked in childcare for over 15 years now, I really enjoy wa…

bebe L c.
Bebe L C.
no reviews
Childminder in Bournemouth

I am 27 year old energetic person with lots of ideas how to spend great time with kids. I rent a big house with separate play room, I have a small, enclosed garden with lots of eq…

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