Babysitter Jobs in Abertillery

We have 4 Babysitter Jobs in Abertillery listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Abertillery

I'm a lady of 44 years, studying public health at masters level, had Postgraduate Diploma in Education and I have worked sev ral years as classroom teacher both in nursery, primar…

Parent in Abertillery

Married Mum of two beautiful children 2 + 4. New to the area. Looking for a babysitter every other Monday night to allow my husband and I date nights.

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Parent in Abertillery

I have a 5 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I’m starting a new job and need a childminder for my son during week days between the hours of half 9-half 3 and for both my son…

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