After School Nanny Jobs in Banbridge

We have 4 After School Nanny Jobs in Banbridge listed in our online childcare directory.

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Peter an.
Peter An.
Parent in Banbridge

My wife and I have 3 children aged 9,6 and 4. The kids are in school in castlewellan. Seeking a child minder for our 2 boys before and after school, thankyou

Parent in Banbridge

Usually responds within 2 hours

My name is Yoon and I am a registered nurse. I can provide emergency/ occasional child cares. I am also a parent of a teenager son and have experiences with looking after from inf…

Parent in Banbridge

Seeking person qualified with experience to help 4 year old child catch up as she has fallen behind other kids in pre school. Seeking someone with experience to call around twice…

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Parent in Banbridge

We are a very close family, my husband and I have 1 little girl. Our daughter is very quiet and can be cautious of strangers at first but once she trusts you she will show that sh…

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