After School Nanny Jobs in Brackley

We have 4 After School Nanny Jobs in Brackley listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Brackley

Hi I’m Hannah, married to Andrew, and we have two fun and beautiful children Olivia (4) and Fred (2). We are relocating from London to the Westbury/ Brackley area over the summer…

Parent in Brackley

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hi Recently re located and looking for childminder to my 7 years old son I am a nurse and work shift patterns Will require help few days per week 6.30 -9 am to take my son to t…

Parent in Brackley

Usually responds within 5 minutes

My husband and myself work full time, we have one daughter and encourage her to be herself and explore and learn through play. Our daughter is a ball of energy and requires some p…

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Parent in Brackley

Usually responds within 24 hours

We are a family of 4 with 2 sons, nearly 11 years old and 8 years old. I work full time in term time in Birmingham and my husband works rolling shifts as a Firefighter in London.…

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