After School Nanny Jobs in Broadland

We have 5 After School Nanny Jobs in Broadland listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Broadland

We are an Italian family of 4. Our kids are two boys respectively 3 and 6 years old. We are looking for a nanny/childminder or babysitter able to look after our kids (3 and 6) for…

Parent in Broadland

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am a mother of 2 lovely twin boys who are 17 months old. I am currently pregnant with my 3rd and last child. I am looking for someone long term. I would like someone full time.

Parent in Broadland

Mummy of a lovely 4 year old boy. We just moved to Rackheath. We need desperate help for someone who does school pick ups and will entertain him until I come back from work? I f…

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Parent in Broadland

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am a single parent and my son is six years old, we have three cats who roam largely outside as we live in a rural area. We are really fun, we like to laugh, love to eat and love…

Adrian S
Adrian S
Parent in Broadland

Usually responds within 24 hours

My name Adrian my partner is Milena. We both work and need some help at home. I'm looking for a Registered Childminder, After School Nanny, Mothers Help, Part Time Nanny or Speci…

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