After School Nanny Jobs in Gerrards Cross

We have 6 After School Nanny Jobs in Gerrards Cross listed in our online childcare directory.

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Gerrards Cross
Parent in Gerrards Cross

We moved to Gerrards Cross in May last year, and we have two lovely boys, Austin (4) and Henry (2). Both have birthdays in September and Austin will be hopefully starting school l…

Gerrards Cross
Parent in Gerrards Cross

Mother of 4 children 9 year old twins, 5 year old in reception old and a 1 year old baby. Looking for a mothers help with own car to assist with the logistics of having 4 children…

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Gerrards Cross
Parent in Gerrards Cross

Usually responds within 30 minutes

Two kids aged 8 & 6 who attend a local school in Gerrards Cross. Require an after school nanny to pick kids up from school, supervise their homework, make them dinner and take to…

Gerrards cross
Parent in Gerrards Cross

Hello everyone! I’m a mum of 4! Three lovely young boys aged 6, 5 & 3 years as well as a baby girl just turned 1. I am looking for some extra help long term who would fit in wit…

Gerrards Cross
Parent in Gerrards Cross

Young family with a 2 and 3 year old. Mon - Fri 2pm - 5pm

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