Household Help Jobs in Hampshire

We have 84 Household Help Jobs in Hampshire listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Southampton

I am Mum to 3 Home Educated children: b/g twins age 6 and their little brother 3. We are a mixed heritage family (Nigerian Dad+English Mum). My kids love to read, trampoline, and…

Parent in Portsmouth

Usually responds within 3 days

I have 5 children between the ages of 14 and 9months. We are an active family with lots going on. We love being out and about, but equally love a movie night in our pj's or a kitc…

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Test Valley
Parent in Test Valley

Usually responds within 3 days

Hello! Our little family has just moved to Andover and we are looking for someone to take care of our daughter, who is 21 months old. I (the mother) work four days a week, hybrid-…

Parent in Portsmouth

I have disabilities impacting my health, a good support structure around my family is required. My 6 year old ADHD/Autistic daughter requires a 1 to 1 for transport 8:00-9:00am an…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
New Milton
Parent in New Milton

Usually responds within 24 hours

I am a single parent, working from home. I have 5 children, 2 sets of twins. LIVE IN CHILD MINDING - 4-5 DAYS JUNE Looking for a registered child minder (DBS checked ) to stay a…

Parent in Winchester

My wife and are looking for a nanny/housekeeper on a full time basis from April to July this year for our 2 year old daughter. We are looking for a nanny with the following: To…

Test Valley
Parent in Test Valley

We live on a farm in the Test Valley. It is a beautiful part of the world, and is very quiet and tranquil. I am busy helping to run the house and the farm, cottages, and the river…

Char N
Test Valley
Char N
Parent in Test Valley

I live with my husband and two daughters, Poppy age 7 and Lara age 3 in a village called Ashley, just outside Stockbridge. They both go to Stockbridge Primary School. I am about t…

Parent in Rushmoor

I am a working professional and my wife is a stay at home mum and we have a lovely 3 year old daughter We need a part time nany/home helper

Parent in Southampton

Im a mother of 3 girls aged 8,4 and 2. We have recently moved back to Southampton. I would like some time to myself on some weekends and some weekday evenings. We are outdoorsy p…

Parent in Waterlooville

I have 5 children, Bella age 1, kai age 3, twins girls Ava and Mia aged 10 and Callum who is 13 years old. To look after my two youngest, Bella-Beau and kai on a Friday all day fr…

Parent in Andover

My name is Amy, I am 23 years old and a mummy to 2 babies. My eldest is 12 months and my youngest is 7 weeks. My eldest is a very happy smiley little boy who is very cheeky and lo…

Basingstoke and Deane
Parent in Basingstoke And Deane

Hi, We are a small family that a 2y old toddler. That would appreciate some help Tuesday to Thursday from 3.30 to 5. And occasionally during term breaks/ holidays. We gladly welc…

Basingstoke and Deane
Parent in Basingstoke And Deane

Young family with a lovely happy boy born December 2021 looking for a loving caring person to look after Amza when mommy is returning to work

Parent in Winchester

Usually responds within 2 days

We are a family of 4- with a 3 and a half year old boy and a 1.5 year old girl girl. We live in the centre of Winchester. We are a friendly household and children very well behav…

Parent in Winchester

Usually responds within 3 hours

Single parent of three and a full-time student studying a degree in sociology and psychology I have two still living at home who are 6 and 8. I need childminding that works around…

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