Registered Childminder Jobs in High Wycombe

We have 119 Registered Childminder Jobs in High Wycombe listed in our online childcare directory.

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High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I’m a mum of two children one boy 10 and little girl 9 month old I am looking for a part time childminder that can look after my baby daughter for one year I’m looking for Monday1

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Usually responds within 2 hours

I am married with 2 lovely daughters one at school and the other is almost 1 year old. I am looking for a childminder or a babysitter for my daughter who will be 1 year old in Jun1

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Usually responds within 5 minutes

First time mum with a 9 month old & 2 dogs, trying to get back into work and reality! Child minder for my 9 month old 2/3 days a week morning & afternoons.

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High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Usually responds within 5 minutes

4 day childcare required for my one year old from January 2025

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Usually responds within 5 minutes

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Usually responds within 5 minutes

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Usually responds within 2 days

My name is Inaya, and last year I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, her name is Akira I have been very lucky took a years maternity leave, which is soon coming to an end. I wor1

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

I have a four year old son who starts school in September at Carrington Infant School. We're a family of three (or four, including our dog!) who live in Wooburn Green. My son can1

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Will require childcare for 2 full days a week to begin with and possibly will need more depending on my work load.

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Hello I'm a stay at home mum with a 20month old and a 6 year old son. I am looking for a childminder for 6-10 hours weekly starting in January/ February any day and time really, a1

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Usually responds within 1 hour

My name is Siobhan, and I'm currently looking for full-time childcare for my son, Owen. I'm aiming to start work in September 2024, by which time Owen will be a-year-and-a-half ol1

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Mum of 2 girls Looking for childminder before and possibly after school who can do drop offs and maybe pick ups starting Sept 2024. Availability of childcare options will determin1

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

First time mom looking for a childminder. I have a 4-month-old and now I'm looking for a childminder as I'm getting back to work in March next year. We're not decided yet how many1

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

3 children. Eldest attends St Andrews Youngest child currently 4 months old. Looking for November/ December start

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

Usually responds within 3 days

I’m looking for a registered, experienced child minder who can help my nephew in his early learning stage. Since he’s a pandemic child I feel he would require the extra support i1

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

High Wycombe
Parent in High Wycombe

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