After School Nanny Jobs in Holywell

We have 3 After School Nanny Jobs in Holywell listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Holywell

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Student mental health nurse and a mother to four children. Lola, Max, Rogan and Amelia. After school club from Ysgol Maesglas (Greenfield) and when on placements will require 7am…

Holywell Green
Parent in Holywell Green

Looking for a babysitter/nanny for an 8 year old based at our home in Holywell Green Ideally 1-2 nights per week or every 2 x weeks but can be flexible for the right person. Cr…

Nikita L
Nikita L
Parent in Holywell

Mum to three, working full time as a nurse. I have a 7 year old a 2 year old and a 9 month old. The 7 year old gets a taxi to and from school from my house. The babies aren't in a…

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