After School Nanny Jobs in Keynsham

We have 4 After School Nanny Jobs in Keynsham listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Keynsham

We are a relaxed friendly family, looking for someone to help with my 12 year old daughter who has a learning disability. I am looking for someone to care for my 12 year old daugh…

Parent in Keynsham

Usually responds within 12 hours

Looking for wraparound care (including school runs) a few days a week and possibly another day (e.g. a Friday but flexible). Self-employed and would need a car. Apologies but u…

Stuart T
Stuart T
Parent in Keynsham

Usually responds within 24 hours

We are a family of 5 + a dog. My wife is a nurse at Bath Hospital A&E and I am Finance Director. Our children are Noah (11), Sammy (9) and Merryn (6) We would require initially su…

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Parent in Keynsham

We are a family of 4 looking for an after school nanny. Ideally we need Mon-&Tues (3pm - 6pm) from the start of January 2024. Rosie, who is 9, and Ellie who is 7 both love arts &…

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