Live In Nanny Jobs in Kingston Upon Thames

We have 9 Live In Nanny Jobs in Kingston Upon Thames listed in our online childcare directory.

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Kingston upon Thames
Parent in Kingston Upon Thames

Usually responds within 5 minutes

We are a family of 4 , includes 2 kids one is 9 year old and other 10 month old boys Need Nanny for my 10 month old boy . Looking for indian Nanny who could help Mon- Fri (9.30 AM…

Kingston upon Thames
Parent in Kingston Upon Thames

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Kingston upon thames
Parent in Kingston Upon Thames

Usually responds within 3 days

We're Ali and David. We have two identical twin boys named James and Elliot, who will be 18 months in September. They're sociable, active and happy boys What were looking for: -…

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Kingston upon Thames
Parent in Kingston Upon Thames

Family of four, mum is Sam, dad is Andrew, big brother is Freddie (2.5 year old) and little brother is George (6 months old). Looking for a part time nanny to support our busy liv…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Parent in Royal Borough Of Kingston Upon Thames

Hello, I'm Monica, a 35 year old foreign correspondent and mum to Baby T! We are a family of five – myself, my husband (currently abroad), our little girl, and 2 overly friendly d…

Kingston Upon Thames
Parent in Kingston Upon Thames

Professional parents looking for a private tutor during December term holidays Looking for a trained teacher to come home school four year old boy during December term holidays.…

Kingston upon Thames
Parent in Kingston Upon Thames

Small Family with 2 Kids Job Title: Caregiver and Support Companion for an 8-Year-Old Autistic Individual with ADHD Job Description: We are seeking a dedicated and compassionate…

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