After School Nanny Jobs near NG16 1RB

We have 10 After School Nanny Jobs listed within 2 miles of NG16 1RB.

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1.1 miles
Parent in Wollaton

Hi I have been here before but never needed a nanny in the end but times change I’ve had another beautiful baby and would like to go back to work by time she’s 6/8 months if I do…

<1 mile
Parent in Nottingham

Usually responds within 5 minutes

We are a small loving family. Looking for a childminder who will pick up our daughter at a nearby nursery in Broxtowe

1.9 miles
Parent in Bulwell

Hi. I have 2 children. hours are set to change at work. looking for an OFSTED registered nanny who can do school pick ups and is happy making meals, doing bedtime and staying ti…

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2.1 miles
Parent in Nottingham

Usually responds within 2 days

Pick up from and drop off Nottingham high school from February 2025

1.9 miles
Parent in Nottingham

I am mum to a 9 months old baby and I also work as a pharmacist. I'm looking for a Babysitter, After School Nanny, Bedtime Nanny, Mothers Help or Male Nanny.

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
1.1 miles
Parent in Nottingham

Usually responds within 2 days

Hi, i'm looking for a registered childminder who works within the Aspley area to possibly pick up and drop off my son (9) to and from school.

1.9 miles
Parent in Beechdale

My name is Emma and I have a 5 year old son who is in year 1. I am searching for something I don’t think exists. I am a third year student midwife who qualifies this summer. I wor…

<1 mile
Parent in Strelley

I am a single mother in a key worker role. My daughter is 5 years old. looking for after school childcare for my daughter who is 5. This will include pick ups too

<1 mile
Parent in Broxtowe

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