Childcare Jobs in Newcastle-upon-tyne

We have 351 Childcare Jobs in Newcastle-upon-tyne listed in our online childcare directory.

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Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Mum to Seb who is currently 4 months old. 3 days from December

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I am a single mum to a 7 month old baby girl who is very intelligent, she is very chatty and loud, crawling around everywhere, already trying to pull herself up to stand and can o1

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I live with my wife and baby Babysitting

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Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 3 hours

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

We are a family of four, children aged 5 and 2. We are looking for after school childcare for our 5 year old girl, two days a week, which would include picking up from school.

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I am a 25 year old mum to 4 year old Bethany and 3 year old Roman, I recently went back to university to train to be a primary school teacher and need help with after school care1

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 3 days

I am a single mother working full-time, in immediate need of a registered childminder to pick-up and drop off my 3 year old to nursery. My child's nursery is a 12 min walk from ou1

TJ Brown
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tj Brown
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Myself and partner have a 6 month old son. I am returning to work in September, days and hours have not been agreed as this will depend on childcare available to us so this can be1

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

We are Cheryl and Tom we have our daughter Zara who was born May 2023 We are both shift workers and need occasional baby sitting support to collect Zara from nursery and to look a1

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Looking for a childminder or nursery for the following Tuesday Wednesday one week And Wednesday Thursday Friday this next week

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Looking for a childminder for our son Peter (3) and daughter Sophie (1), ideally 2 days a week, from 8am to 5:15pm. Looking for childminders around the Great Park, Kingston Park1

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I have a 5 month old baby and in a few months time I will require a childminder when I go back to work. This will be for 4 days a week, the 4 days are negotiable as my mam will k1

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