Housekeeper Jobs in North Tyneside

We have 4 Housekeeper Jobs in North Tyneside listed in our online childcare directory.

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North Tyneside
Parent in North Tyneside

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Two children aged 6 and 1. Live in West Allotment. Looking for childcare around our area for our 1 year old. Looking for an occasional babysitter. Looking for a weekly cleaner.

Mrs W
North Tyneside
Mrs W
Parent in North Tyneside

We are a family of four with two mini dachshunds. I have a 9 year old son and a 7 year old daughter. Both my husband and I have very busy jobs and are looking for help to maximise…

North Tyneside
Parent in North Tyneside

Hi! We are a family of 3 living in Newcastle upon Tyne. We are currently looking for a nanny and a household help. Either two individuals or one person who can fulfil both roles.…

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