After School Nanny Jobs in Putney

We have 7 After School Nanny Jobs in Putney listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Putney

I am the mum of 2 lovely girls. Update don't need anyone at the moment thank you. We are looking for a part time nanny for before and after school care for 2 girls aged 8 and 7 f…

Parent in Putney

Usually responds within 12 hours

We are looking for a temporary part time nanny to help out with our fabulous 4 year old daughter whilst I recover from major surgery. The job would involve picking her up from h…

Parent in Putney

Usually responds within 3 days

Mum to an 11 year old boy and 6 year old girl We live in Putney, just off the high street and have an 11 year old boy and a 6 year old girl. My son is in year 6 at school, he's v.…

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Parent in Putney

Laid back and flexible family with 3 boys aged 5, 8 & 10. Looking for a fun and caring after school nanny to do pick up, evening routine and play with the boys. They love board ga…

Parent in Putney

Usually responds within 24 hours

SORTED FOR NOW but will need someone from September 2024. Two funny boys with (relatively) good manners, not fussy eaters and know they have to do homework! Start date early Sept…

Parent in Putney

I have 2 children, a 6yr old and a 3yr old. Both girls. My 6yr old is very friendly and outgoing and loves to play pretend, run around in the park and read stories. The 4yr old is…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Parent in Putney

We have a gorgeous three-year-old with palate issues, so she has special communication needs and would benefit from someone with specific experience in speech and language needs…

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