Part Time Nanny Jobs in Richmond

We have 110 Part Time Nanny Jobs in Richmond listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Richmond

I am living with my 15 months daughter in Kew i am looking someone to take care my daughter on monday and wednesday 6-9 pm And on thursday between 12.00-3.30 pm If you cant w…

Parent in Richmond

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hi my wife Giulia and I are looking for a bit of help with our ~6month old baby boy, Ronan. Babysitting for a young baby. May need cleaning and feeding support

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Parent in Richmond

Usually responds within 24 hours

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Parent in Richmond

Im looking for a tutor/ childminder to help my son with after school activities. Homework assistance and other motivational activities - sport etc. He attends a Prep school minu…

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Parent in London Borough Of Richmond Upon Thames

We are a family based in Kew with two little ones aged 4 and 2 We are looking for an after-school nanny, ideally starting 3pm and finishing 6/6.30pm Monday - Friday. During term…

Lucy God.
London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Lucy God.
Parent in London Borough Of Richmond Upon Thames

I live with my husband, my baby boy Alby who just turned one, and my dog Sweep who is a cockapoo. We are looking for someone to be part of the family and help with my transition b…

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Parent in London Borough Of Richmond Upon Thames

Hell there, my daughter is 5 years old and she's very chatty and bubbly. She loves playing with her dolls and drawing and colouring. We would love to have someone who has a lot of…

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Parent in London Borough Of Richmond Upon Thames

We're a friendly American-English family living in Richmond, looking for our first ever part-time nanny to help with our 1 year old son, from June 2024. You must be DBS checked,…

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Parent in London Borough Of Richmond Upon Thames

Hi, we are a family of 4, Mum, Dad and 2 boys, 9 & 3. Hi, we are a family of 4, Mum, Dad and 2 boys, 9 & 3. I am looking for a part time nanny to pick my 3 year old up from Chase…

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Parent in London Borough Of Richmond Upon Thames

Usually responds within 2 days

Mi chiamo Rosa e ho una bambina di 4 mesi, abito tra Kingston Upon the Thames e Surbiton. Sto cercando (da Aprile) una baby sitter italiana per 2-3 ore pomeridiane / 2 volte a set…

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Parent in London Borough Of Richmond Upon Thames

2 /3 days a week childcare Looking for someone who can provide excellent childcare for my 14 moth old, Monday-Wednesday beginning Feb 24. I will also need this person to offer af…

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