Special Needs Experience Jobs in Rotherham

We have 8 Special Needs Experience Jobs in Rotherham listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Rotherham

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Looking for a nanny for my 4 year old who has struggled emotionally in mainstream nursery , needs more 1-1 care.

Parent in Rotherham

Usually responds within 2 days

Father and Husband. Looking for local Childcare for a very bright and energetic five year boy. After school childcare until 5:30pm. If required, happy to collect him from school a…

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Bramley, Rotherham
Parent in Bramley, Rotherham

Usually responds within 1 hour

Part time working mum of 11 year old twin boys who are autistic, looking for childminder with SEN training to support my boys during school holidays, would prefer a setting that d…

Parent in Rotherham

We are a small caring family, we love and adore our babyboy who's 14months. We are looking for a nanny/babysitter for a few hours a week from the comfort of my own home (Prefeb)…

Parent in Rotherham

Usually responds within 3 hours

I have 2 girls, Mia who is 10 and nevaeh who is 6. I would only need a pick up from school as I will be working until 4 pm. So 2 hours max after school. Monday to Friday

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Parent in Rotherham

Am a mum of 3 eldest been 21, 6 and my youngest who's 3 and an adorable little girl full of life she is autistic and non verbal. I am requiring part time/afternoon 2-3 times a wee…

Parent in Rotherham

I have 3 kids Looking or someone to come to my house 4pm friday and take care of my children till Sunday midnight to cook meals for them and tend to there general wants and needs

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