Childcare Jobs in South Ribble

We have 17 Childcare Jobs in South Ribble listed in our online childcare directory.

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South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Usually responds within 2 hours

positions now filled, thank you for taking an interest. Hi there, I’m sarah mum of 2 girls and step mum to a daughter number 3, albeit she is now 20, wife to Lee and mum to a Ge…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hello, We are family of 3 including a cavapoo. I am looking for childcare for my son who will be 1 in July. I am looking to go back to work 3 days a week but would be looking fo…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Usually responds within 12 hours

Mum to two young ones. ED nurse the rest of the time! During the week whilst me and husband work opposite shifts

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South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Usually responds within 1 hour

I have two beautiful children. My eldest is 13 and has anxiety and therefore sometimes missed school due to this. I am looking for a childerminder or babysitter to be with her whi…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Young Family looking for childminder for energetic two year old girl. Require a childminder who has experience in delayed speech and can follow guidance from SLT assessment. Our d…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Usually responds within 2 hours

Two kids - 4 and 1.5 years. Live in Leyland. School pickup by your car is required with presence of one parent (8 miles trip while fuel/insurance cost will be compensated at a co…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

I am looking for a childminder in the Bamber bridge area. Preferably for four days with the view to full time, term time only. To start from July 2024

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

I'm looking a nanny/babysitter to provide part time care around my shifts from September. I will be working as a midwife so will need care mornings and evenings upto 3 nights a w…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Usually responds within 12 hours

I need someone to look after my 15 month child 3 days a week each day 2 hours

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Usually responds within 3 hours

I have an energetic 5 year old, and am trying to get back into work. To do this I need someone who can look after my daughter during school holidays 9-5/530, I currently have a po…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Usually responds within 24 hours

I am a single mother with 3 children 2 years 9 months, 6 years and 12 years old. I need one that’s is ofsted registered. I do two jobs 4 nights a week and 3 days working from hom…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

After school club

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

I am a wife, mama to an 9 month old, step mum to a 9 year old and a primary school teacher. Open to being contacted if I have liked your profile! We are looking for a regular arra…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

I'm looking for a Registered Childminder or Nursery.

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

I'm a 49 year old who's got 3 children of my own and I'm looking to help people who need babysitting I have 3 children and I look after children all ages

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Currently looking for a term time place for my son as I’m a SEN TA in a school. If you can accommodate this please message me as I need a place ASAP thanks Michelle I'm looking…

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