Babysitter Jobs in South Ribble

We have 6 Babysitter Jobs in South Ribble listed in our online childcare directory.

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South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Young Family looking for childminder for energetic two year old girl. Require a childminder who has experience in delayed speech and can follow guidance from SLT assessment. Our d…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Usually responds within 2 hours

Two kids - 4 and 1.5 years. Live in Leyland. School pickup by your car is required with presence of one parent (8 miles trip while fuel/insurance cost will be compensated at a co…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

I'm looking a nanny/babysitter to provide part time care around my shifts from September. I will be working as a midwife so will need care mornings and evenings upto 3 nights a w…

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South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

Usually responds within 12 hours

I need someone to look after my 15 month child 3 days a week each day 2 hours

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

I am a wife, mama to an 9 month old, step mum to a 9 year old and a primary school teacher. Open to being contacted if I have liked your profile! We are looking for a regular arra…

South Ribble
Parent in South Ribble

I'm a 49 year old who's got 3 children of my own and I'm looking to help people who need babysitting I have 3 children and I look after children all ages

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