Babysitter Jobs in West Molesey

We have 6 Babysitter Jobs in West Molesey listed in our online childcare directory.

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West Molesey
Parent in West Molesey

We are a family of 3. Me, my husband and my two year old son. We are loving parents looking to find the right place for our son to spend his days. We would like a nursery that off…

West Molesey
Parent in West Molesey

Usually responds within 3 days

We are a Brazilian family living in the UK for a year now. We have two energetic boys, full of ideas. We are looking for someone to be our paying net here, as we don't have any fa…

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West Molesey
Parent in West Molesey

Usually responds within 12 hours

Ad-hoc and infrequent babysitting duties, usually for bedtime routine and incase baby wakes up (LO b.June'23)

West Molesey
Parent in West Molesey

Hi I’m Sarah mother to 2 a son 15months and a step daughter aged 10 who lives with her mum. I live with my partner and son in west molesey. I’m freelance so my work is not regular…

West Molesey
Parent in West Molesey

Young family of 4, with twin boys aged 7 months. We're looking for some help during the week looking after the boys, alongside helping to take them to classes (sensory, etc.) as m…

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