St Anselm's Catholic School

Old Dover Road, Canterbury, CT1 3EN

St Anselm's Catholic School is an academy converter school in Canterbury. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 1097 pupils and allows entry for children aged 11-18.

Pick ups and Drop offs

5 stars 1
Childminder in Canterbury

Hi Mums & Dads, I am an Ofsted registered childminder since 2009. I have re-located from London, because my child was admitted to a secondary school locally, to be close to his p1

4Ds Day
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4Ds Day
no reviews
Childminder in Canterbury

Usually responds within 12 hours

My Name is Ade. I am Ofsted registered and I am a level 3 home-based childminder living in Canterbury. I have two daughters ages 8 and 5 years and I’m an auntie to eleven nieces1


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