Female Babysitters in Rugeley

We have 10 Female Babysitters in Rugeley listed in our online babysitting directory.

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Babysitter in Rugeley

I am 23 years old and have always loved working with children. I have had a lot of experience with children, all different ages.

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Babysitter in Rugeley

Usually responds within 1 hour

I’m 23 years old, looking to earn some extra money, so I can afford to buy my first home with my boyfriend. I have no children of my own but I’m a very hands on auntie and big sis…

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Babysitter in Rugeley

Usually responds within 1 hour

I am a Mum of 3 young boys, aged 8, 6 and 5. For 5.5 years we lived in Scotland due to my husband’s job. This gave me the opportunity to concentrate on raising my own children thr…

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Babysitter in Rugeley

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am a qualified childcare practitioner. I currently work within a nursery setting. I have around 7 years experience working with children with additional needs including Autism a…

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Babysitter in Rugeley

Usually responds within 30 minutes

Friendly, confident, bubbly young lady who loves working with children. I can offer you peace of mind that your children are in good care and your children can enjoy exploring ne…

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Babysitter in Rugeley

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hello, my name is Meg! I'm American and just recently moved from the States to the UK to be with my husband. I have a degree in Creative Writing & Literature with a teaching certi…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
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Babysitter in Rugeley

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I'm looking for part time work in childcare around my day job. I have a fairly recent DBS check which I am happy to provide before work.

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Babysitter in Rugeley

Im a young, caring individual who always goes the extra mile.

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Babysitter in Rugeley

I am coming to the end of my third and final year at Chester University where I am studying Primary Education. I have recently received my QTS award (qualified teacher status). I…

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Babysitter in Rugeley

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I'm a college student studying equine management I'm based in Warwickshire thought out the week. I come home every weekend and I need to find a job. I am very caring and loyal lov…

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