After School Nanny Jobs in East Hampshire

We have 14 After School Nanny Jobs in East Hampshire listed in our online childcare directory.

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East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

Usually responds within 2 days

After school care required

East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

I'm looking for a Part Time Nanny, Housekeeper, After School Nanny, Night Nanny, Private Tutor or Bedtime Nanny.Overnight Nanny

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East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

Usually responds within 12 hours

I have three gorgeous boys - aged 5, 2 and 1. Both my husband and I work from home and we home educate our eldest (we will our younger children too). We’re all very bubbly, crea…

East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

Family with 3 children b11,g9,b7 We are looking for a full time nanny/ housekeeper from April. Monday to Friday - occasional Saturdays an advantage. Daughter pick up after school…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

We are a family of 5, living near East Meon. My husband and I are both doctors, working locally. We have three children aged 11, 10 & 8yrs old. We are looking for an after school…

East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

My name Gina and my husbands name is Nick and we have 2 awesome little humans, Fynn (6) and Skyla (4).They are very chilled kids who love a good laugh and play, but are also prett…

East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

Usually responds within 3 days

We have 2 girls, aged 4 and 7. Hello! We're looking for wraparound care for St. John's Infant school in Churt and Waverley Abbey School in Tilford. If these hours aren't enough we…

East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

We live in Farnham and have an 8 year old son and 5 year old daughter, who currently go to separate schools. Having recently changed from fully remote working to commuting to the…

East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

I’m a mum of two boys, Luca age 7 and Rafi 3. We're on the lookout for a nanny from September this year as unfortunately losing our current one. It would be after school, a couple…

East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

We are currently looking for a temporary nanny/housekeeper from 15th January until 22nd March 2024, while our current nanny/housekeeper is away traveling. Working hours (some fle…

East Hampshire
Parent in East Hampshire

American mum of 4 healthy and happy children. Love living in Hampshire near Alton. Happily married and enjoying our life :) Our little ones are 6 year old twins and 8 year old l…

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