Nanny Jobs in Epping

We have 42 Nanny Jobs in Epping listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Epping

Hi we are Trish & Sunny! We are a young new family that welcomed a baby boy in September 2023. We work in tech and fintech in fast paced roles and have a small shihtzu called Nal…

Parent in Epping

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I am looking for childcare for my 10 year old son. I am currently a student midwife so work long shifts 4-5 weeks at a time (usually 3 shifts a week). During my time on placement…

Parent in Epping

Usually responds within 15 minutes

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Kate B
Kate B
Parent in Epping

Usually responds within 15 minutes

We live in Epping and have an nine year old son and a six year old daughter. Looking for childcare up to four days per week to start immediately to include school drop off and pic…

Parent in Epping

Usually responds within 3 days

I'm a single mum to 3 children with special children are 12, 10 and 6 years old I work for emergency services and require child care for my 3 children . I work most weeke…

Epping Forest
Parent in Epping Forest

Usually responds within 2 days

My name is Rachel and my children are 11 and 7 years old. We live in Chigwell Essex. My name is Rachel and my children are 11 and 7 years old. We live in Chigwell Essex.

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Epping Forest
Parent in Epping Forest

We are full-time working parents with a 6 year old boy (who is currently in school) and soon to have a new baby in October which is where we need some help! We are based in Thornw…

Epping Forest
Parent in Epping Forest

I'm french woman who's live in Nazeing ( Waltham Abbey) who likes to find a right nanny for my lovely son I'm looking for an nanny qualified with experiences who likes to work wit…

Epping Forest
Parent in Epping Forest

Working Mother of 2 boys aged 8 and 10 I need an after school nanny to collect my children from school in Loughton and bring them home to Chigwell. I will need the to wait with m…

Epping Forest
Parent in Epping Forest

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Epping Forest
Parent in Epping Forest

Hello, I am looking for an experienced babysitter/childminder who can babysit my little girl for a few hours on a Thursday evening once every 2/3 weeks and help on weekends (Satur…

Epping Forest
Parent in Epping Forest

I am a mother of one and fulltime carer of my 1.5 year old daughter. I am expecting my second baby. We also have a small friendly Jack Russell dog called Pepsi. I am looking for a…

Epping Forest
Parent in Epping Forest

Usually responds within 12 hours

Looking for a nanny with some household help 3 full week days plus every other weekend (1 day), half days the other 2 week days. Negotiable on hours. 1 5yr old school age child…

Epping Forest
Parent in Epping Forest

Usually responds within 2 days

We are a family of 4 plus 2 small dogs. Our children at 2 and 4.5 years - both attend the same preschool. We live not far from Chipping Ongar We are looking for someone to collect…

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