Full Time Nanny Jobs in Hove

We have 4 Full Time Nanny Jobs in Hove listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Hove

Usually responds within 3 days

Two loving Mummies 3 munchkins 3 fur babies Veggie and Neurodiverse household Hello there We are looking for a carer for our highly anxious Neurodiverse, 6.5 year old. He's cu…

Parent in Hove

Mother returning to work looking for a dedicated nanny to join the family. Looking for a nanny to work 30 hours per week

Parent in Hove

We live in Hove and have two friendly cats. Hello, I am looking for a babysitter/Mother's Help for one afternoon at the weekend on either Saturday or Sunday, and one or two aftern…

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Parent in Hove

Usually responds within 1 hour

Hello I am 26 years old with a toddler called Sherlock who will be 4 in February. I have recently moved back home to Brighton. I am a full time student starting my final year…

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