Nanny Share Jobs in Leighton Buzzard

We have 3 Nanny Share Jobs in Leighton Buzzard listed in our online childcare directory.

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Leighton Buzzard
Parent in Leighton Buzzard

Hi I'm Esther, mum of two looking for early morning/before school care and drop off to Beaudesert Lower school for my 4 & 5 year old. I need morning childcare on 3-5 school days1

Leighton Buzzard
Parent in Leighton Buzzard

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Childcare for return to work following maternity leave - until children go to school

Leighton Buzzard
Parent in Leighton Buzzard

We live in Leighton Buzzard and have just had our first child. Exploring childminders and nurseries in the area and potentially interested in nanny sharing.

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