Special Needs Experience Jobs in Leighton Buzzard

We have 3 Special Needs Experience Jobs in Leighton Buzzard listed in our online childcare directory.

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Leighton Buzzard
Parent in Leighton Buzzard

Looking for part-time nanny before and after school twice a week 0730-0900 and 1500-1800. We want to find someone who can become and trusted, safe and special adult in our childr1

Leighton Buzzard
Parent in Leighton Buzzard

I am a mom to a 2.5 yr old. I stay in Linslade. I hold a degree in Education and have previously taught at a school. I have also offered tutoring after school. I have an up to da1

Leighton Buzzard
Parent in Leighton Buzzard

My name is Catherine and I work from home/ in clinics as a CAMHS practitioner. My husband also works from home as a charity director. I live with my husband and two children (10 a1

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