Live In Nanny Jobs in Newport

We have 6 Live In Nanny Jobs in Newport listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Newport

Usually responds within 12 hours

I am a 29 year old mother of 3 children, one boy who is 8 and two girls who are 6 and 5. They are easy going and usually well behaved although they do have their cheeky moments. T…

Newport Pagnell
Parent in Newport Pagnell

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Newport Pagnell
Parent in Newport Pagnell

Family of 5 - mom, dad and 3 kids. With Looking for an experienced nanny or maternity nurse to help with overnight routine/care of twins. Would prefer nightly support Mon-Sun. Ide…

Newport on Tay
Parent in Newport On Tay

Usually responds within 12 hours

We are a family of 5 who have recently moved back to Scotland. We have a lovely house with a big garden, within walking distance of a coastal park, school, parks and library. Our…

Parent in Newport

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I'm a doctor newly joined work in St Mary's hospital Isle of Wight NHS trust She needs to be made ready in the morning to go to school and drop off at school at 9 and pick up at 3…

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