Registered Childminder Jobs in Reigate And Banstead

We have 58 Registered Childminder Jobs in Reigate And Banstead listed in our online childcare directory.

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Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hi there my name is Rachel, my partner is Dean and our daughter is Hattie. We live in Earlswood Surrey. Dean and I are both Police Officers. We are looking for a child minder one…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 2 days

Family of 5 Childcare for my youngest daughter from June 2024

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Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

I'm looking for a Registered Childminder, Nursery or Full Time Nanny.

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

I am looking for a childminder or nanny to look after our 4yr old daughter after pre-school Mon-Fri. I am actively job hunting and needing to source childcare for when I secure so…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

My name is Emily, I have two little girls, an 8 month old and 3 year old, who will be starting school in September . I will be returning to work following maternity leave in April…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 2 days

First time mummy to a gorgeous baby boy who will be 1 on 30th June, live in Reigate with my partner, son and our fur baby. Love being a mum, looking for a home from home environme…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 3 hours

Hello My husband and I have lived in Horley with our 2 year old staffy called Luna for close to five years and are looking for a childminder for our daughter when she turns 10 mo…

Hayley T
Reigate and Banstead
Hayley T
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

I work as a Firefighter and have a 7 year old daughter and a 5 year old son. I work on a rolling rota so I know what my shifts will be for the next year and beyond so would be ab…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

My name is Laura and I have a 3 month old daughter, Olivia and an almost 5 year old, Teddy. We live in Merstham with my husband James and our dog Bruno. Looking for childcare for…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Looking for initially 1 day a week 9-2 childcare, no preference on the day. Located in Redhill/Merstham area (walking distance to east surrey college is a bonus!) This will like…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

We have a wonderful 2 year old girl and have just had our second baby girl in January 2022. My husband works full time and I work Mon-Thursday. Our daughter loves spending time ou…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 24 hours

Hi. My husband and i are doctors who are looking for Nanny/Childminder/Babysitter who can help us with pick ups from and drop offs to the Nursery when we are working shifts. We ha…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

I have 2 children. A daughter who is 7 years old and a son is 5 years old. I work part time as paediatric nurse. I am looking for ad-hoc childcare for my daughter and son during t…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Hiya my names Andrew. I have a daughter called Halley and my fiance is called Rachel. My daughter is just over 2 and a half year old. My child is dairy intolerant and carries epip…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 3 hours

We’re a family of four with two chilled and fun loving boys (5YO and 2YO), living in Reigate. Primarily seeking childcare on a Thursday and Friday morning for our 2YO, but also lo…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 2 days

Hi my name is Valeria and I'm a scientist working in Cancer Research. I'm also a mum of a 5 years old boy who is very energetic and funny. I'm looking for a childminder who will…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I'm currently on mat leave and will need to return to work part time by April 2024. I'm looking for a Registered Childminder in the Earlswood/South Earlswood area who will be ava…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

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