After School Nanny Jobs in Reigate

We have 23 After School Nanny Jobs in Reigate listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Reigate

*IMMEDIATE START* I’m looking for an afterschool nanny 3pm- 6pm to collect from Holmesdale school three days a week (flexible on days as long as it is not Friday). Open to nanny b…

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Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 2 days

Family of 5 Childcare for my youngest daughter from June 2024

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 2 days

Parents with 3 kids - 2, 4, 6 Boy girl boy Before school with drop off and after school

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Fun, busy household caring for 3 children. Mature, highly experienced, motivated and organised nanny sought for busy family in Surrey. Role can be flexible, either 2 full days or…

Hayley T
Reigate and Banstead
Hayley T
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

I work as a Firefighter and have a 7 year old daughter and a 5 year old son. I work on a rolling rota so I know what my shifts will be for the next year and beyond so would be ab…

Parent in Reigate

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Family of 4, Son who is 9 years old and a daughter who is 7 years old Before school help with breakfast, making school snacks and walking to school Walk home from afterschool , s…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Family of four in central Reigate. We are looking for a few hours of housekeeping / nanny 2/3 afternoons a week ideally Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 4 a 6.30pm. We both work…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 3 hours

We’re a family of four with two chilled and fun loving boys (5YO and 2YO), living in Reigate. Primarily seeking childcare on a Thursday and Friday morning for our 2YO, but also lo…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 2 days

We are a family of 3 living in central Redhill. I'm looking for an after school nanny for my 8 year old daughter. 3-4 hours a day, 3 days a week to start with, with the option of…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 5 minutes

We are a a family of four, two kids, 6 and 3. Looking for someone to help with school runs, after school homework, and housework.

Parent in Reigate

We would ideally like someone that is happy to take bookings on a ad hoc basis as our work schedule constantly changes due to location. After school pickups (Dovers Green) Someon…

Parent in Reigate

We are a family living in Reigate - my husband, myself and 3 children (8, 6 and 4). We are looking for an after school nanny to look after our 3 children aged 8, 6 and 4 at our ho…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Hello my name is Anna, I have 2 children Leo 14 and Georgia who is 10. We live in the heart of Banstead village and are looking for a reliable and experienced part time nanny who…

Reigate and Banstead
Parent in Reigate And Banstead

Usually responds within 12 hours

We have a beautiful 6 year old daughter who has a big bubbly personality who is active and loving and are expecting a new little baby very soon. My husband and I however work long…

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