Special Needs Experience Jobs in Sevenoaks

We have 8 Special Needs Experience Jobs in Sevenoaks listed in our online childcare directory.

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Parent in Sevenoaks

We are looking for a part time nanny to look after our 10 year-old son, ideally after school from 3pm, Tuesday to Thursday and all day during the school holidays. For the right p…

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Parent in Sevenoaks

We are a married couple with a 7 year old son. We both work part time, but the morning school runs need someone to fetch our son from home and then to take him to school. I am loo…

Parent in Sevenoaks

Usually responds within 12 hours

I have a sweet 14 years old child with special needs. I would like to find a responsable, honest and reliable person to help me to look after my son. After the school, occasional…

Parent in Sevenoaks

Usually responds within 24 hours

I have 2 lovely sons, 17 & 18yrs. My 18 year old has moderate learning difficulties, ADD and epilepsy. He has seizures in his sleep about once a week, which are about 10-20 sec…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Sevenoaks kent
Parent in Sevenoaks Kent

We are a very friendly and a little bit of a crazy family, certainly going. My son Dexter who's 8 has Autism and learning disabilities. I also have a 7 year old daughter Evie. I t…

Parent in Sevenoaks

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hi! I run Bambini Childminding and Childcare Services, in my home setting. I am expanding and looking for an enthusiastic, loyal and fun assistant to join the crew! Childminding a…

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