Special Needs Experience Jobs in Sutton Coldfield

We have 4 Special Needs Experience Jobs in Sutton Coldfield listed in our online childcare directory.

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Sutton Coldfield
Parent in Sutton Coldfield

Usually responds within 3 days

I’m Yolly a single parent living in Sutton Coldfield with 2 children aged 5 and 2. They are full of energy, the oldest has Autism Spectrum Disorder so experience with sen children…

Sutton Coldfield
Parent in Sutton Coldfield

My child needs a SENCO experienced female tutor. I mom will be present can also do virtual. Cian struggles with school as hates being there, engages a lot more at home in her safe…

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Sutton Coldfield
Parent in Sutton Coldfield

Usually responds within 2 hours

I'm a doctor living at Sutton Coldfield. I'm looking for a female Nanny to look after my two young children Daughter age 9 and son age 6...They both attend school full-time.. My s…

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