Household Help Jobs in Tunbridge Wells

We have 12 Household Help Jobs in Tunbridge Wells listed in our online childcare directory.

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Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Hello, we are looking for a part-time nanny that would work three days per week (TBD) from 8am to 2pm (and potentially even longer hours). Our child is 18 months old and we live i…

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hello, we are a small working family living in Rusthall. I have a very happy and active 1 year old boy. I’m looking for childcare on Thursdays for my son born Nov 2022. Either a…

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Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Mum, Dad and 1-year old Darcey We are seeking a kind, diligent and personable nanny for our 1 year old for 3 full days per week (starting early). We are looking for a proactive in…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Laura C
Tunbridge Wells
Laura C
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 12 hours

I am on my own with Robin (through choice) and work as a teacher. I sometimes need ad hoc childcare. Robin is a super baby and loves playing with his monkey.,

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hello, We're Becky and Pete and we 2 wonderful children a boy is a 3 and a 6 month old girl. Our son, George is a funny, clever little chap who has lots of energy! He loves bei…

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I am outgoing, friendly and bubbly. I am in desperate need of some help with my little ones a few mornings a week. My family live in New Zealand and I have been struggling on my o…

Tunbridge wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Priya D
Tunbridge Wells
Priya D
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

I am looking for before school 7am till 8.45am and afterschool from 3.15 to 7pm childcare for my 7 yo son including school drop off at 8.45am and pick up at 3.15pm to Temple Grov…

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Live 10mins from Tunbridge Wells station. Our daughter is full of beans and is so good natured. She is 5 and our son is 3 years old. He’s also very active. looking for ideally na…

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