Live Out Nanny Jobs in Tunbridge Wells

We have 45 Live Out Nanny Jobs in Tunbridge Wells listed in our online childcare directory.

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Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 5 minutes

We are potentially looking for nanny or childminder option for our 10 month old, Freya. We live in High Brooms, Tunbridge Wells. Part time - 2 to 3 days per week

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 12 hours

Emma and Ross (mum and dad) and Milo (turning 3 in January) and Teddy (turning 1 in February) are looking for a part time nanny in Tunbridge Wells 2-3 days per week, to look after1

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 12 hours

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Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 24 hours

My name is Nadine, and my husband Stevie and I have just had our first baby - she is now 6 months old. We are both back at work full time, working from home with a day or two each1

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 5 minutes

We are a family of 3: a 2.5yo plus mum and dad I need help with my son to get some stuff done and get some rest

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Both myself and my partner work 4 days a week in demanding jobs so require assistance with childcare Tues-Thurs. We have a boy (4) who will start reception in September and a girl1

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Two children aged 2 and 5 months. I'm looking for a Registered Childminder, Live Out Nanny, Nursery or Nanny Share from October for 3 days a wem.

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 24 hours

We're a family of 4, living in the St John's district of Tunbridge Wells. My eldest daughter starts school in September 2024, and my youngest was born in September 2023. I'm looki1

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

I am an engineer and my wife is a dentist. We recently came back to UK from several years overseas and we have no support network. We are struggling a bit with work commitments as1

Parent in Tunbridge Wells

I have a one year old son and I am looking for someone to look after him whilst I work from home certain mornings a week. I am looking for a part time nanny to work Monday to Wedn1

Zoe Will.
Tunbridge Wells
Zoe Will.
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

I’m a part time working mum of 3. We live in Tunbridge Wells, St John’s area. We have Georgia, a 3.5 year old who is due to start school in September 2024 and one year old twins,1

Tunbridge Wells
Parent in Tunbridge Wells

We are looking for a nanny 2-3 days a week after school - pick up / clubs / homework etc - for 6 one year old daughter at Claremont primary school and our 12 year old son who is a1

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