Female Babysitters in Manchester

We have 1338 Female Babysitters in Manchester listed in our online babysitting directory.

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5 stars 4
Babysitter in Trafford

Usually responds within 12 hours

Qualified & Experienced nanny/babysitter. £13 p/h. Looking for June start. I have been working with children for 6 years, and I am very passionate about my work as a carer. I hav…

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5 stars 4
Babysitter in Salford

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I'm a mother , Very good with children and helpful with house work. Having music, and hospitality background. CRB Check DBS updated Drivers license HND hotel and Catering mana…

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Fozia br.
Fozia Br.
4.4 stars 5
Babysitter in Oldham

Usually responds within 3 days

My name is Fozia and my childminding setting is called Bright Stars, my aim is to provide a very high standard childminding service, this is not just a job to me I am very passion…

5 stars 3
Babysitter in Baguley

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Graded overall GOOD by OFSTED with OUTSTANDING grade in Personal, Social and Emotional development (inspected Nov 2016). I have always loved children and consider myself to be na…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
5 stars 3
Babysitter in Bury

Usually responds within 12 hours

I am a Pakistani 22 year old friendly and helpful individual. I am from Manchester and have been working within the childcare field since 2017. I am trustworthy and active. I am a…

Little b.
Little B.
5 stars 3
Babysitter in Manchester

Usually responds within 30 minutes

My name is Saidiya Ahmed Sheego. I am an Ofsted Registered Local Authority Approved Childminder. I am married and have 4 children between the ages of 18 to 11. We live in moss si…

5 stars 3
Babysitter in Bury

Usually responds within 12 hours

I am a very family-orientated person. Most of my time revolves around family and friends.I am a very patient, calm individual who is a good listener and helps people. I love playi…

5 stars 2
Babysitter in Stockport

Usually responds within 24 hours

Hi, my names Leanne and I am 35 years old. I am available for ad hoc babysitting, and will be available July/August for nannying. Please get in touch if in need for a nanny before…

5 stars 2
Babysitter in Failsworth

Looking for roles during the school holidays and potentially evenings/weekends. Please feel free to message and discuss. Can be available some weekends. Enhanced DBS Check on Upda…

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